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About Us

Our Story

Sporthletics is a family owned business, started in 2008. It was born out of a love for running and a need to help our local running club. 

It started off with my dad offering to make the team shirts for our running club. Having ran his own print shop in college, he was confident in his abilities.

While we didn't have the equipment necessary for this, my dad, ever the optimist, managed to scrounge together the materials to make the shirts. By some miracle, our first job ever was created in Microsoft Word and a second hand machine, and it was a success!

Not satisfied with the limitations of a word processing program, and not knowing anything about shirt printing, our family began to research. We popped into Fry's, bought a copy of Illustrator and Photoshop and began our work.

As we learned more about the printing process, orders began to pour in. By word of mouth, our hard work began to pay off.

Soon, we were at a point were we had the opportunity to grow our little business. We started by adding a 6 color printing press to our workshop. It was so big, we had to dismantle our older, used 4 color press to make room for the new one.

We also began to expand on what we offered. We started offering sublimated work in 2009, and recently, we added a DTF printer to our little shop.

Today, we work with several schools making team shirts. We have also worked with a number of Southern California sporting organizations and have produced thousands of shirts for local sporting events.

Our goal is to bring you the best and to provide athletes and their families another outlet for expressing their passion for life and sports.